About US
what we do matters
Of the original 60 plus species of kangaroos, (unique only to Australia) 29 are now threatened and 11 are EXTINCT
Think about that for a moment: we will NEVER see 11 types of kangaroos ever again!
Please do your part, don’t purchase anything made of kangaroos, help us stop the slaughtering of these beautiful gentle creatures.
Sadly, more than 550 of Australia’s native animals are at risk of being lost forever.
You too can save a life
Slow down 10 - 15km under the speed limit from dusk until an hour after dawn.
Chances are much higher you won’t hit the wildlife foraging for something green at the side of the road. Remember, a toot from your horn will move them away faster than your lights.
If you see any wildlife that has experienced a hit & run, please, please call one of the local wildlife organizations. Google the number now and save it to your phone.
Local Awareness
We do the very best we can to raise local awareness:
giving talks at local clubs and events
providing early learning opportunities speaking at schools & libraries
A documentary film crew filmed our lives for a few weeks to produce Episode 5, season 2 of Animal Planet’s - Dodo Heros in 2019 (now streaming on Apple TV and Foxtel).
if you have an idea of how we can boost awareness and save more lives, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
You can be a wildlife hero
The cost of raising a kangaroo joey ranges from $1,000 to $3,000, depending on how young it is when it comes into our care, and that’s if it doesn’t need any medical support.
Your donations are used for specialised Wombaroo lactose-free kangaroo-specific milk formulas created for the different stages of their development until they are 18 months old, immune-strengthening colostrum, bottles, teats, pouches, hay, pellets and snacks for enrichment.
Donations over $2 are tax deductible.