your gift matters

Co-founders Theresa and Tony “Scruff” Matthews of Our Haven Wildlife Shelter, are full-time volunteers and authorised carers.  Not everyone can dedicate their remaining days on earth to giving our wildlife a chance at survival, but there are many other ways you can show your love.

Choose how to help

Every gift is appreciated, single donations, monthly sponsorships (you can opt out at any time) or sending us directly any of our wish list items listed below. Do what works best for you and know that your gift goes directly towards caring for these beautiful, precious and sometimes mischievous animals.

Alternatively, vet payments can be made directly towards our account by calling Gippsland Vetenary Hospital: +61 (03) 5144 3100

Your generosity means the world to us!


Prefer sending us supplies directly?

4701 South Gippsland Hwy, Stradbroke VIC 3851

We have a wish list of items we always need:

  • Hay bales

  • Bags of feed: Rolled Oats, Gumnuts (Elderly horse feed pellets)

  • Wombaroo 0.7 Kangaroo Milk Powder, Wombaroo Impact, Di-vetelact

  • Vytrate or Lectade

  • Needles and syringe barrels (all sizes but 22g and 23g needles and 1ml & 3ml barrels are used most)

  • Puppy pads

  • Most other medical items like urine test strips – please don’t throw out anything near its use-by date

  • People who can sew liners and bag hangers (pouches) – we can supply preferred designs and styles

  • Napisan or Vanish (for colours or for whites)

  • Chux clothes

  • Babywipes

  • F10 Antibacterial cleaner

  • Avagard or Dettol hand sanitiser

  • Boxes of nitrile or latex disposable gloves (all sizes)