giving a helping hand to our wildlife

Our Haven Wildlife Shelter.

Like you - we LOVE our Australian Wildlife! We believe that our native animals should have every opportunity to live their best lives, build their families and grow old together.

We rescue, raise and rehabilitate orphaned kangaroos, wallabies and other wildlife all-day every day, safely soft releasing them back into the wild at our rural property bordering a National Park.

Our Haven is located in the Gippsland region of Victoria.

We are full-time volunteers of a registered charity.  Our funding comes exclusively from the generosity of your donations, our sponsors, and the occasional small grant.

Gifts from our community of like minded souls to Our Haven Wildlife Shelter make the raising of orphaned joeys and the running of our wildlife-release property feasible.

Don’t have any spare cash to donate? you can still support us by simply voting for our shelter at My Giving Circle, to help us receive one of their regular charity grants.

You can be a wildlife hero

The cost of raising a kangaroo joey ranges from $1,000 to $3,000, depending on how young it is when it comes into our care, and that’s if it doesn’t need any medical support.

Your donations are used for specialised Wombaroo lactose-free kangaroo-specific milk formulas created for the different stages of their development until they are 18 months old, immune-strengthening colostrum, bottles, teats, pouches, hay, pellets and snacks for enrichment.

Donations over $2 are tax deductible.

From the BLOG